Fewer Hallucinations, More Factual Accuracy

At the second AI for Media Meetup, we will take a closer look at ways to improve the quality of LLM outputs.


October 9th, 2024, from 1 to 6.30 pm


Bayerischer Rundfunk, Rundfunkplatz 1, 80335 Munich. Large event hall, 1st floor.


1:00 pm Welcome by Uli Köppen, Chief AI Officer, Bayerischer Rundfunk, and Jan Ippen, Managing Director, Ippen Digital.
1:10 pm Innovative News-AI-Workflow at KRONEHIT: Efficiency through human-AI cooperation. Marcel Tuljus, Digital Media Consultant.
1:40 pm Second Opinion: When one AI monitors another AI. Max Brandl, Product Manager, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Marco Lehner, Developer, Bayerischer Rundfunk.
2:10 pm Committed to the facts – Learnings from using generative AI in a news agency. Sara Ghaeizadeh, Product Coordinator Audio, dpa. Arne Beckmann, Editor and Developer, dpa.
2:40 pm AI Flashlight: Three participants each present their AI idea in three minutes.
2:50 pm Coffee break.
3:10 pm Q+A about the three projects at individual tables.
4:10 pm Networking with snacks and drinks
6:30 pm End

Moderation: Bernd Oswald, Project Manager, AI for Media Network.
For questions about the event, please contact us at aiformedia@br.de 

AI for Media Network